A review by avolyn
Outlive Your Life: You Were Made to Make a Difference by Max Lucado


This book is a great introduction to what is at the heart of Christian faith and that is being the good news for others who are less fortunate than ourselves. Even though this book has many good attributes and I found myself highlighting plenty of text, it still seemed to only skim the surface. It is a great book and one that many Christians need to read but having already read 'The Hole in our Gospel' and other books about being the blessing to the rest of the world and caring for others as Jesus intended us to, I felt like I didn't gain much from it.

So if you are new to this idea of what the bible says about giving to others then you will surely enjoy this book. If you have read some I would recommend a more comprehensive book such as 'The Hole in our Gospel' because this may prove to be more of a beginners guide to you.