A review by thepetitepunk
The Truth about Forever by Sarah Dessen


The Truth About Forever tells the story of Macy, a smart, disciplined girl who is focused on doing well on the SAT and temporarily filling in for Jason, her boyfriend, at the library's information desk. Everything is nice and perfect until an unappreciated email, a disorderly catering company, and a new sense of independence changes Macy's view on the world.

This was my first Sarah Dessen book and I truly did not know what to expect. In all honesty, I was ready for some cheesy, cliche love story that only focused on some hot, charming guy.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that The Truth About Forever was definitely not about that. In fact, Macy's story was incredibly heartfelt and inspiring. Although of course it's a romance novel, the love interest wasn't forced upon her and the story delved deeply into Macy's relationship with her family members. Each character was fully developed and had a purpose in the plot.

One thing that should be noted is that not much goes on in The Truth About Forever. Quite a few past events are dwelled upon as Macy slowly comes to accept them. There are also many catering scenes. So many catering scenes. Get ready to read about meatballs and cheese puffs. It will make you hungry. Regardless, these scenes are either beautifully emotional or just plain fun, which show how Macy has grown throughout the book. This is mainly a character driven novel, not a plot driven novel, but it works amazingly. Dessen's focus on personal growth and individuality makes a wonderful theme; I will definitely check out more of her novels in the future.