A review by mostlyfated
Return of the Duke by Lorraine Heath


I had so much anticipation for this book but it just turned out to be a dud for me. I really enjoyed the first two of this series and was soooo looking forward to reading about the duke that has been referenced in the previous stories. But alas, it was not meant to be. The book has so much potential but I felt there was too much time spent on these two characters trying to solve the conflict and too much plot and the romance was just lacking.

For me to really enjoy a historical romance, there needs to be emphasis on the romance. The entire time when I was reading, it felt like a suspense or mystery novel than anything else. I also found the female character to be really selfish and not willing to make any sacrifices for the relationship with the hero (it was him doing most of the sacrificing) and that was just off with me.

This series started out with so much potential but ended with a dud.