A review by bahareads
At the Altar: Matrimonial Tales by L.M. Montgomery


This book is made up of short stories.

Aunt Phillipa and Men - Aunt Phillipa was a hilarious stern gossip. Ursula is a really native girl. The story characters were similar to others in Montgomery's other books but I suppose if it ain't broke don't fix it. ★★★

A Dinner of Herbs - Why are all Montgomery's characters dreamy? This was a horrible family and a horribly funny ending. I loved Robin and Michael. ★★★

Jessamine - Jessamine was a classic Montgomery character. I just want to know how did Andrew know he was in love with her? Cute story. ★★

The Penningtons' Girl - This story was hilarious. Nelly was a little sneak but Wilson need to be taken down a peg. ★★★ 1/2

The Gossip of Valley View - Amusing how a rumor brought them together, that a rumor set them thinking on each other. ★★★

The Pursuit of the Ideal - Who takes about their perfect woman with another woman?!? Roger deserved to suffer a little bit. Freda was a dumpy charming girl though. ★★★

By the Rule of Contrary - Old man Ellis was too gullible. Three cheers for Susan for being so clever. ★★★★

Nan - Nan Stewart is a A++ woman. Bryan Lee was the classic annoyingly charming character. John Osborne was the classic good man character. ★★★ 1/2

The Wooing of Bessy - Mrs. Eastmen was a spoiled bitter woman. Lawrence was a fool to believe his mother. ★★ 1/2

Miss Cordelia's Accommodation - Very little romance, blunt proposal. I did like Cordelia though. ★★

The Twins and a Wedding - how could
the conductor have gotten them off at the wrong station?!?
A very cute story, better to be bad and have some fun. "some are born lucky.." ★★★

Them Notorious Pigs - All the characters in this story were adorable. ★★★

The Dissipation of Miss Ponsonby - The narrator, the characters and the plot were all on point. Glad Alicia finally got a back bone. ★★★★

An Unconventional Confidence - The Girl certainly talks a lot, beautiful story. ★★★

The Way of the Winning of Anne - I like how they always talk about family history. Jerome had the patience of a saint. I'm glad he outwitted her. ★★★

The Touch of Fate - I dislike people like Mrs. Hill. Good for Violet to not be so vain. Love is the gospel truth. ★★★

What Aunt Marcella Would Have Called It - Delightful story, longer than the others. Glen was rather bold and Dudley clever.

When Jack and Jill Took a Hand - Jack was a hilarious narrator, so cute and funny. Jill was a wise little girl. Jill was a descriptive narrator with an interesting personality. ★★★★