A review by jayseewhy
Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes


There is something noble in wanting to make the world into what you dream it could be. Through his madness Don Quixote seeks to return to the golden age of chivalry that he has read of, where knights errant roam the countryside, righting wrong and defending those in need.

This defiant optimism, mixed with great humour and some very poignant moments made Don Quixote quite an enjoyable read. It is with sorrow that I finally close the book; I hope to read it again someday.

I particularly enjoyed the self-referential nature of the writing, with characters in the first part speaking highly of Cervantes and others in the second part speaking critically of the first part.

Thus ends my half decade quest to read Don Quixote (which is the longest book that I’ve read). My previous attempts never made it past 25 pages but this third and final sally took just over two weeks. We need to have these global pandemics more often.