A review by ankhamun
Shock Wave by Clive Cussler


I'm not sure why I continue to torture myself by reading Clive Cussler. I think I just like the idea that we would care, in a America, enough about science that we really would have an NUMA and support it with tons of money. I day dream all the time that war were a thing of the past and instead science was where we spent all of our money. NASA, NUMA, finding cures for disease....
Anyway, I digress, even though this book is old it was funny to check out this article today about Da Beers : https://thehustle.co/de-beers-lab-grown-diamonds/
Timely for the book, the concept of cartels in the diamond business, creating a cheap diamond business to crash the diamond trade...
I wonder if Da Beers has also purchased all of the rare gem mines out there and plans to push rare gems as the newest diamonds are forever :D