A review by ezichinny
Counterpoint by Rachel Haimowitz


3.5 stars

I enjoyed this audio. Ayden and Freyrik had a lot of tension, but Freyik eventually wore Ayden down.

Ayden and his sister are elves who were captured by humans (all the humans in the book were terrible!) and Ayden was so worried that his sister would be raped that he consented to be a sex partner for the prince.
Prince Freyrick was ruling the country in his brother's absence but he was a much kinder ruler.

Ayden was so distrustful of humans, but prince Frey eventually earned his trust. However, this relationship had a slave master and slave power dynamic even though Frey never treated Ayden badly unless they were in public. So It was a little hard to believe that the proud Ayden fought beside Frey during the surge.
I did like them together though.