A review by romancejunkie
Rotten Men by Ivy Fox

mysterious slow-paced


UGH! What a fucking letdown. The entirety of this book was completely unnecessary. It 100% stems from a “only one convo” conflict, which is my least favorite plot plot. Everything—and I mean everything—that happened in this book could’ve been avoided had someone trusted the boys she supposedly loved enough with the truth. 

Alas, that’s not the choice the author made, so we got 300 pages of this most definitely NOT reverse harem book. The men were all friends and were willing to share, but there was ZERO group activities. ZERO. And I’m not even talking sex specific!! It was very much about her individual and unique relationship with each of the boys. If that’s your bag, then this might be for you. For me, it fell waaaaaay short. Especially in the sex scenes. The amount of purple prose in this to describe sex was ridiculous. In fact, the mouthful of words the author used to tell us absolutely any-fucking-thing got old real fast. 

The “surprise” wasn’t much of a surprise to me, but it was irritating. Keeping readers in the dark about something the character knows when we’re in their POV is just lazy writing. 

FYI—There is ZERO together time in this book. No, seriously. Zero time when they’re together. If you expect at least a glimpse in an epilogue or something to ease the pain of 600 pages of yearning, I hate to break it to you, but you’re not getting it here. Look elsewhere. 

Basically, this was a series where none of the main characters were actually together to have a romance. 

And now that I’ve typed this out, I’m removing half a star and dropping this down to 1. The author done pissed me the fuck off.