A review by booksy_hvn
Ms Perfectly Fine by Kate Callaghan


2,5/5 stars

Many thanks to Netgalley for the ARC!!

This book was such a ride for me. Even though 2,5 is not bad, is not great either and I think it is portrayed in the book as a whole. The writing is not bad, is actually quite easy to read and it makes a quick and casual read. One thing I would be careful of would be unnecessary descriptions. Sometimes, the bedsheets were described and I was there reading it like "Why would I want to know this if it doesn't provide anything to the plot?". Other times, the personality traits or quirks of the chacarters were rather told and not shown, which can take the reader out of the book while reading it.

Not only that, the plot sometimes lacks a bit of reality. This is, the two main characters end up living together in the most annoying way possible: via a misunderstanding. I understand that for it to be a forced proximity there has to be some type of obligation in the middle, but the situation just made me mad instead of making me want them to be together. My first annotations in my Kindle are literally all in capital letters screaming to the male protagonist.

What's more, the characters are supposed to be in their late twenties, I think Elijah was the oldest one and he was in the middle of his thirties (correct me if I'm wrong), and they both acted like 15 year old teenagers at the beginning of the book. Him stealing her food as if he didn't just enter her home without permission and take all her things away and the jokes sometimes felt too juvenile.

However, the romance was not bad, it was a tad too cringey at times, but I think the main problem is that this all happens in like 3 weeks time and I felt like they were rushing too much into things. Hell, they were already living together they were like step 8/10 in the relationship. They both have character development tho and I ended up hoping the best for both of them at the end of the book. One thing I will say, the sex was way too quick, in like 3 paragraphs they were done and dusted, and it surely was not the best scenes of the book. Just wanted some more description there, not only just sexual but like the romantic touches and the physical connection between the two,

The mystery is quite foreseeable in a specific point in the book, like the interactions and dialogues do not leave any room for other options or doubts. However, it is quite beautifully presented at the beginning, with details that we know wouldn't be part of a typical romance book and make us want to keep reading to know where they came from. The outcome is the one I already expected, but I will not comment on that as I am not one to read enough mysteries to critique it objectively.

Overall, not a bad book but there is a lot of room for betterment, maybe it was not the best book for me but it could perfectly be for another person so I invite you to give the story of Autumn and Elijah a go!