A review by nessreads11
Between Now and Forever by Dylan Allen


Dylan, what have you done? Girl, I am full on raging. I am so freaking mad and the fact that I have to wait for the second book has me clenching my fist.

ALL THE DAMN FEELS! This book is wonderfully written. Dylan weaves her words into such an amazing story that pulled at my every emotion. I was hooked right from the prologue and was turning the pages as fast as I could not wanting to stop reading for any period of time. I could not for the life of me put this book down. And knowing that this book would probably end with a cliffhanger since it is part of a trilogy—it didn’t stop me from wanting to know what would happen even if it meant I had to not so patiently wait for the second book.

Beth, oh how my heartstrings were pulled for her. My heart hurt for her as well. How she thought she had to be and look a certain way for her to be accepted just angered me. She was every bit perfect just the way she was and didn’t need to change in order for people to like her. Beth has the most beautiful soul and was absolutely strong in the face of cruelty.

Carter captured me from the prologue. I loved him right from the beginning. There was no doubt in my mind how much he would impact me. Carter has many layers—and I needed each and every one of those layers peeled. I just need and want more of him.

Beth and Carter have undeniable chemistry. Right from their first meeting you could feel the gravitational pull between them. They can’t deny that intense connection, but so many obstacles stand in their way. No matter what though, their feelings for each other never waiver.

Between Now and Forever will pull at every heartstring. It will leave you an emotional mess. It’s a story full of twists and turns with enough angst, pain and heartache that’ll have you clenching your chest. This is book 1 and already I’m all up in my feels—I can only imagine what the next 2 books will have in store. More heartbreak I’m sure, so it’s best I stock up on boxes of tissues and chocolate, lots and lots of chocolate.

Definitely recommend!

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book*