A review by sarahhr96
Love Redesigned by Lauren Asher


Love Redesigned is Lauren's newest book that follows the story of Julien and Dahlia - two people who are clearly meant to be but their own stubbornness and rivalry gets in the way every chance it can. When the opportunity arises for the pair to work on a project they've been separately dreaming about for years, they're forced to put their rivalry to the side. But when they aren't at each other's throats, do their feelings for one another turn from annoyance to love?

✨May contain slight spoilers!✨

I really thought Lauren couldn’t outdo herself after writing the Kane brother from the Dreamland series…. but Julien has quickly taken over as the best book boyfriend. I really loved reading Julien’s story because it didn’t just feel like every other mmc in a romance book. He went through an extremely difficult loss very young, and because of that, what little “relationship” he had with Dhalia suffered. Watching him throughout the book get comfortable with the feelings for Dhalia that he’s been pushing down and out of mind for over a decade was so heartwarming! And not only did he sit with his feelings and figure out what he really wanted, but the process helped heal himself. He has such a passion for working for his father’s business hands on that I couldn’t help but cheer him on when he stepped away from the office and went back to creating.

Dhalia was dealt such a sad hand in life that I just wanted to jump into the book and hug her. She lost her father at such a young age, felt tossed aside and unimportant by someone who she thought shared a mutual love, and then was betrayed by someone who was supposed to love her unconditionally. It was no wonder she had such a hard time feeling confident enough to accept her feelings for Julien. But she, just like Julien, had so much self healing throughout the book and we got to watch her fall in love with someone who truly would give her the world. Her relationship with not only her mother and sister, but also Julien’s family was so nice I loved it so much. It really helped show where her huge heart grew from and you really couldn’t help but love Dhalia.

The pair worked so perfectly together. The way they remembered things from their entire lives together, their mothers are best friends so they’ve known each other since birth, their prank wars, banter, sweet moments, THE SPICE!!!! it was all so perfect and I loved them so much! This book made me even more excited for the rest of the Lakefront series (hopefully Rafa and his nanny’s book is next!!!) and if any of the MMCs are anything like Julien… I’m in for an interesting summer of ‘24