A review by comopanini
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Loveable characters? Yes


First read [May 7-8, 2015]
5 stars

This book is amazing! If the quality of the last two books will at least be on par with the first two, or even better, then this series will definitely be one of my all-time favorites. Marissa Meyer is just such a wonderful storyteller. She makes you not want to put down her book because it's that gripping, and even if you do, you won't stop thinking about it--personal experience here.

Unlike Cinder, with its dual (Cinder's and Kai's) POV, Scarlet is told from different perspectives: Scarlet's, Wolf's, Cinder's, Kai's, Thorne's, and even Queen Levana's. I think this is a great strategy because it widens the scope of the story and you see how everything comes together through these different characters. If this had been told only in Scarlet's perspective, I think I wouldn't have liked this book as much as I actually did. It's not that I don't like her per se but that she was so focused on finding her grandmother that it left little space for me to really see through her personality.

The characterization is just spectacular. I witnessed Cinder develop well and grow stronger as a character without leaving behind her witty remarks and kick-ass personality. I am in awe with how Kai proved himself to be a competent leader, with all his passion and ever-present flaws. Queen Levana is even more evil and bitchy here--no surprise there. And Iko is, what can I say, sassier than ever, the ultimate fan girl.

And the new characters are incredible. Scarlet is fierce, stubborn, and determined. She has her moments of recklessness but then, don't we all? 
Now that her objective of finding her grandma is nada, I really hope I'll get to know her better in Cress because she has so much potential to be this fantastically awesome heroine.
Wolf, to me, is a really endearing character. He isn't what I had expected him to be, which is great. He is shy and awkward, yet painfully protective and aggressive. As a couple, I really like them, but not as much as Kai and Cinder. I wish I had seen more development between them but they're still cute and I enjoy their awkward interactions.

And Thorne.

This guy's downright hilarious! He eases tension really well and gives such great comic relief, I can't even. He is completely narcissistic, and for some reason, he reminds me of Flynn Rider from Tangled
Cress will be paired up with Thorne, right? Cress is Rapunzel. Tangled! Omf this is so amazing i can't even

Oh and I immensely enjoy his banters with Cinder. They'd be great best friends.

"A relieved grin filled up Thorne’s face. "We’re having another moment, aren’t we?"

"If by a moment, you mean me not wanting to strangle you for the first time since we met, then I guess we are."

I absolutely enjoyed Scarlet, just like I enjoyed Cinder. I'm also glad that Meyer chose France as a new setting instead of just staying in New Beijing because it makes this intergalactic war thing more real, you know? That the whole world is actually involved in this, and not just a single country, against the Lunars.

How Marissa Meyer crafted such well-thought sci-fi fairy tale retellings and wonderfully weaved each story to make an epic story arc is beyond me but I'm awfully glad she did. Now I know why a lot of people rave about and love this series. It's just so good! And, uh, I haven't read Cress--which I hope I'll be getting into next week--but, wow, even the short stories are amazing.

I'm sooooo glad I waited this out for so long because now I don't have to wait a long time for Winter to be released!!! I can't wait aghhhhh

Second read [Dec 6-8, 2021]
4.5 stars
I know the romance isn't central to these books, but I just want to say that I definitely like ScarletWolf better than CinderKai this time around.

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