A review by katreadingbooks
The Killer Inside Me by Jim Thompson


The book is about Sheriff Deputy Ford who lives in a small Texas town. He is plagued with a sickness that has been dorminate since childhood. Then one day it comes back and murders start to happen in this small time.

The book is told from Ford's point of view. I liked this book because it wasn't your everyday crime book. You already knew who committed the crime the only question was why and as the book progress you get to follow his thought on made the "sickness" come back.

This was my first time reading a book by Jim Thompson. I was hooked within the first chapter. I only wish I had more time in the day because I found myself just hoping for the chance to pick up the book and find out what Ford was going to next. I will definietly be looing into more of his books after I finish my book challenges and TBR shelf at home is empty.

Now back to my challenge books....