A review by jazzrizz
Born of Legend: The League Nemesis Rising by Sherrilyn Kenyon


Listening to this one again.

Sigh ... it's definitely better the 2nd time around. The first time, I was still holding on to the animosity carried over by preconceived notions of what you think Julien is. This time around, oh my ... he may be my favorite tortured hero from Kenyon ... at least in the League series. Which is saying something, because I really love Syn.

I absolutely love Ushara. She is amazing in all of the roles she has. Warrior, Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend, and Julien's Darling. She is so strong AND loyal. It was awesome when she lays it all on the table with Julien's parents.

I really like the more in depth view of the Tavali too. Chayden has long been a favorite of mine, and Jupiter is quickly becoming a favorite also.

I really hope the bridges between Nyk and Julien can be healed over time. I can't wait to see where things go from here.