A review by krissyranae
My Drunk Kitchen: A Guide to Eating, Drinking, and Going with Your Gut by Hannah Hart


This isn't a cookbook. at least, it isn't a book with food recipes most people would want to cook. It is, however, a book that uses the concept of recipes to talk about life, and it just so happens that is a super effective formula for me when it comes to keeping me engaged and interested. I loved this book. I laughed. I underlined things. I made approving sounds and embarrassing snorting noises. I'm sure there are people who wouldn't like this book, but those people maybe need to relax and realize life isn't all about serious things, and cookbooks by Julia Child. Life can also be about saltine nachos, and ridiculous puns. Life should be a nice combination of many different feelings and experiences, and this book is a good example of that.