A review by guarinous
Once Upon a Time We Ate Animals: The Future of Food by Roanne van Voorst


Roanne van Voorst tackles the latest developments towards animal welfare and modern vegan food practices in Once Upon a Time We Ate Animals. Adopting a book title envisioning a future generation being told of our old way of eating by an elder, van Voorst is passionate about the subject matter but unfortunately didn't quite add as much nuance as needed to stand out in an increasingly crowded field of works on the topic. That is not to say that the message is not important or timely but a decent chunk of the book will be very familiar to those already sympathetic to the cause. I also didn't personally care for the chapters detailing how veganism has become increasingly "instagrammable" or the repeated name drops of celebrities. I understand this is very important to a certain set of people and their decision making, but it just seems a bit vapid to me.
I'd probably recommend this one to a newer convert to the movement or someone sitting on the fence.

**I was given a copy of this book by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. My thanks to Netgalley and HarperOne**