A review by jess_mango
Invisible Differences by Julie Dachez


Marguerite is a young French woman who works an office job and lives in a cozy apartment with her boyfriend. She enjoys spending quiet time with her pets and reading. She has her daily routines like getting spelt rolls at the bakery and stopping by the cafe on her way to work. But, she feels awkward, out of place and overwhelmed at her noisy office.

She begins to research why she is different from most people and uncovers info about Aspergers, which was under-diagnosed in France at that time. She begins down the path to try to see if professionals will help her determine if she has Aspergers.

This was a lovely book. It's a graphic novel and I loved the drawing style. The book was actually illustrated by a woman who worked in a bookshop that Marguerite frequented. The two worked together to tell Marguerite's story in order to get more info out in the world about Aspergers. The story was well written, engaging, and honest. I read it all in one sitting.

This book was published in French a few years ago and will be released in English in the next couple of months.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.