A review by kellyhager
Drawing Down the Moon by Steven Lee Climer


I was expecting this to be an incredibly scary story, but it wasn't. Instead, it was more unsettling than anything else.

Ronan and her friends start this with really good intentions. They're going to punish the worst people (their first victim, for example, is a man who deliberately killed his ex-girlfriend's kittens in a really horrific way) by making them experience the horrible things they've done.

But, as you can imagine, once you realize you have that kind of power, it doesn't take long before "We're only going to punish the worst people, the ones that deserve to be punished" to turn to "And we will also punish the jerk who was rude to me in third period and that lady who cut me off in traffic."

That was the scariest part of this book: just how quickly the power to do this can corrupt people and how easily the line between people that deserve to be punished and people who don't can get very, very blurred.

This is incredibly fun and I think there would be a lot of fun things to discuss in a book club-type setting.