A review by kjanie
The Love Factor by Quinn Ivins


3/5 stars

This was a mature romance book between a political science professor and her grad student, set in the 1990s. I think the setting was really interesting, like a near history, allowing the story to explore homophobia in academic institutions. All of the characters were well-written and flawed but likeable. Carmen was a great ice-queen characters, whereas Molly was a very passionate student. I’m a big fan of opposites attract tropes, so I was very excited to explore this trope here.

I definitely feel a bit crappy that I didn’t love this book as much as many of my mutuals did. It took me quite a while to get into the story and connect with the characters. And even when I was enjoying the story, the romance aspect didn’t feel as strong as I expected. It came right towards the end, and the chemistry didn’t really jump off the page like I wish it did. Don’t get me wrong, this was definitely a well-written and interesting book, especially given the setting and the content.