A review by cherryreeds
Six Ways to Write a Love Letter by Jackson Pearce, Jackson Pearce


3 ⭐️

"Six Ways to Write a Love Letter" is like an epic love letter to Taylor Swift, wrapped up in a romance novel package. It's all about Vivi Swan, this mega-popstar who's known for her tall, blonde, red-lipstick-wearing self. The story mostly unfolds during her insane concert tour, and here's the twist – Remy, our dude, ends up as the drummer, filling in for some last-minute injury.

But what's really awesome? The writing is as smooth as butter, my friend. If you're into music or you're a Taylor Swift fan, this book is right up your alley. And here's the kicker – it's not your run-of-the-mill romance novel. Most of those flip back and forth between the girl and the guy, but "Six Ways to Write a Love Letter" switches things up by giving us the whole scoop from Remy's point of view.

This unique take brings some extra flavor to the mix. It assumes you already get the deal with female pop stars and the drama they go through. No need for a full-blown lecture on it – you just know what's up. Plus, Vivi's a bit of a mystery, kind of like those cool, enigmatic male characters you often see. It keeps you guessing, and that's part of the fun.

And let's not forget that book cover – it's drop-dead gorgeous. You'll spot it from a mile away, my friend!