A review by gnewna
How to Bullet Plan: Everything You Need to Know About Journaling with Bullet Points by Rachel Wilkerson Miller


I'm not new to bullet journalling, but it's easy to get overwhelmed with all the gorgeous, artistic spreads on various platforms, or to disappear into a TV Tropes-level rabbit hole of reading more and more ideas of Terribly Useful Things To Include. I'm coming back to the system after a bit of a break, and decided to treat myself to this very pretty book, expecting to kick myself a little, but I've been pleasantly surprised. Yes, it's very, as my kid says, Aesthetic, but there's also a ton of practical suggestions, advice on making the system work for *you*, and some interesting sections on the history of diary-keeping. Well worth a look, and a good gift for a friend who wants to give bullet journalling a try, but finds it a bit intimidating!