A review by ajenkins979
The Accidental Duchess by Madeline Hunter


OMG I can't believe I didn't write up a review for this right away.

I did find this book just a great as all of Madeline Hunter's work. I was thrilled to be chosen to receive an ARC of this book.

Lady Lydia is just very headstrong, and wishes to be completely independant. So much so, that when she finds herself in deep trouble she refuses to ask for help, going so far as to sneaking around trying to fix the situation. Which as you can imagine, just makes matters worse.

Penthurst, well he seems at first like a stick in the mud or a snob for sure. But we see how he truly cares about others and tries to help Lady Lydia.

I do understand the frustration Lydia must have felt, wanting to be "free", having some freedom but just not completely. Although, I understand why she felt the need to try to fix her own problems, but when her Blackmailer kept changing things up, I don't understand why she didn't go to someone then.

This is book 4 in the series, but I only read book 1 before this. I was not completely thrown off balance with what is going on or had happened. So I think its safe to say that you don't have to read the whole series before this one, but it would help to piece together the little details. I know I will eventually get to book 2 & 3.