A review by paddlefoot55
Don't Deny Me, Part Three by Megan Hart


3.5 stars

ARC received from St Martin's Press via Netgalley for an honest review

So after the second book jumping back 10 years, I was not sure where this 3rd installment was going to go.

This third and final installment of this serial series continues where book 1 ended.

Though it has been a decade, I felt like we were again going around in circles with this pair. They seemed to be going down that same path that brought their relationship to an end all those years back.

I felt that even though they are no longer the young couple they were back then, once they met back up they reverted back to the same old. I felt that neither of them had really grown or (though this could just be me) and that nothing had changed.

Did I want Alice and Mick to get their sh*t together and have a non-destructive relationship? Hell yeah I did! I wanted to slap the crap out of Mick and tell him to pull his head out of his ass, to grow up and for once in his life communicate! Gah he frustrated me!

The spark is still between this pair, but can that be enough?

For that you are going to have to read for yourself.

I have read plenty of Ms Hart's work previously and have thoroughly enjoyed them. I have read other serial series of hers that I have loved.

But in this case, Don't Deny Me just fell a little bit short. I liked it, but didn't love it.

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