A review by em_reads_books
Tempo Of Love by Kianna Alexander


Fun, quick read that had me impatient to get back every time I put it down. (I found myself annoyed now and then at the writing being too explain-y and telling-not-showing, but clearly it wasn't bugging me that much because the pages, and my bus ride while reading, just flew right by.)

One thing I really liked here was seeing the couple deal with their attraction and their issues like mature, responsible people. They say out loud that they like each other instead of drawing it out with flirty games. And sure he's got a Scandalous Past that you know will come out in her article somehow, but the way that plays out...you see that "scandalous" just means something painful his family hasn't really dealt with, and she handles her "betrayal" in a straightforward, honest way. Juicy drama isn't in character for either one and that doesn't make it less interesting to read about the feelings involved, kind of refreshing in a genre that can sometimes REALLY drag out a conflict that could be solved with words and honesty.

Nice little touches of their work and passions outside the romance, too... I'm not gonna comment on how realistic the architecture was, I've heard from too many fellow romance readers that the best way to ruin a book is to read about someone who shares your career and I resisted letting that happen...nope, not gonna get caught up in wondering what on earth he was doing drawing all that by hand...