A review by roxsannel
The Halfling's Court by Danielle Ackley-McPhail


Lance Cosain is half fae, his mother was fae and his father is human, they are not close, but they are still family, but Lance has other family, his MC family in the Wild Hunt of whom he is the Wind Walker, they are a group of Harley Davidson riding, leather wearing people, both human and fae alike and they live side by side in harmony with the local fae. The Dair na Scath is the High King of the Fae Realm in Underhill, he has been for a long time and he has a faithful and loyal court around him, but he has become corrupted by power and greed, so when some of his court betray him and leave, he cannot but be furious, however, when he is told that they are dead, he breaths a small sigh of relief, or at least he does for a time.

Lance is just trying to live his life with his lady and prepare for the Steel Horse Stampede, however, when his lady is late and nobody has heard from her, he knows something is wrong, so he does what he does best and goes to find her and see what has happened, however, when he gets there, it isn’t what he expected. The wind starts to blow up a storm followed by a column of darkness coalescing in the middle of the crossroads as a derisive voice throws insults and derisive comments towards Lance and his right hand man just before he reveals himself as a fae, but the most surprising thing is the team of redcaps who have someone in their grasp. Lance barely manages to control himself as he battles with the fae to leave his friend free to free the prisoner, however, although he injures the fae, Lance is brought down by the relentless attacks and his friend is suffering too, although what happens next nearly kills Lance, but allows him to push the fae back to his own realm.

When they have all recovered and have enough strength to return to their home, Lance has to have some difficult conversations, although he isn’t sure if he is getting all the information he needs, however, he has to make do, especially when he is told that more fae will come for him. It is when he is on his way home a few days later when he is attacked again, but this time by a gremlin which does more damage than he expects, however, again he manages to succeed in taming another opponent, but when he later receives a message from the High King of the Fae himself, Lance knows that he has to protect everything he loves now more than ever, but will he be able to defeat a full blood fae, or will his halfling limitations cause him to taste a defeat more painful than any other before? This is a fantastic blend of fantasy and MC romance which will have you on the edge of your seat throughout, as the action continues and the fae on opposite sides fight for both family and honour.