A review by abby_gail_noel
The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley


I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been reading too much fantasy lately and needed a change of genre or if this was just a really good book, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. I especially love this style of writing.

The atmosphere and the scenery were so well written, but even more so than that, the characters were fantastic. They drove the entire story and it left me guessing up until the very end. Literally every single one of these people, save for a few, had a very good motive for murder.


My favorite character was actually Miranda. I loved all of the other characters, but I felt like Miranda was so compelling because she was so likable and so hatable at the same time. By the end, I both pitied her and thought she’d had it coming for a long time.

Also, the way the story unfolded was unique, at least in the sense that I’ve only ever read a few books that followed this structure before. You only find out that Miranda is the murder victim more than halfway through, although you do suspect it, so you’re trying to figure out who the murder and the victim are. I especially loved that there were flashbacks and current scenes intermingled throughout so that you could see the events leading up to the murder and its aftermath side by side.

The other thing I loved was the drama. This book was literally all drama and I ate it up. The stalker, the affair, the romances, the drugs, the infighting and the silent hatred and contempt underneath the façade of friendship. There was such a gradual acceleration of all of these things simmering underneath the surface of these relationships you almost don’t notice it until it all comes to a breaking point.

I’ll definitely be reading more of her books after this.