A review by babblingchatterreads
Compulsive by Sommer Stein, Lia Fairchild


What a beautiful, heart wrenching and inspiring story. There's so much emotions. This story goes so much deeper than the other books. It's not your typical love story with all the hearts and flowers romance or that hot and sweaty lets-roll-around-the-bed-babe kind of moments. It walks you through the life of Gray, a compulsive liar, that went through so much pain and agony throughout her life. Gray has loved and lost the most precious people in her life that after, she just lost her way. She struggled so hard and she has so many defense mechanisms that they now come naturally to her since she's so used to them. This is until a certain situation at work left her no choice but to see a shrink to work out her life issues. She never had the motivation to attend these sessions and saw no point to it until Gray needed to see a new doctor. Although they met at a different circumstance, Dr. Daniel Harrison ended up taking in Gray as his patient.

Gray Sky is such a wonderful heroine. She was feisty and unique and caring especially when it came to Alyssa. She has a ton of issues but she tried her best to change her ways, especially with the lying, and how she looked at life. This story also revolved on her relationship with her father and what they've lost over time. The things Gray's dad told her were just so bittersweet. Her story is bittersweet. And it's not about the romance at all.

Dr. Daniel Harrison is such a darling. His calm and composed demeanor balanced out the angst of the book. He was the anchor to all the things happening to Gray. Although this is what he leads all of us to believe, he, too, has his own issues to deal with and secrets to keep. There are things that happened in his past that keeps him in check and has him holding back the feelings and attraction he has towards Gray. He was so easy to fall in love with.

This connection between Gray & Daniel is way different from the usual chemistry we read about in these kinds of books. It's not that passionate, intense heat, but instead it goes way deeper. Like soul-deep. They were both broken souls. They were drawn together by both their experiences and pain. They complemented each other, drawing strength from one another. It's another story of taboo, but how it was written and told is just so awe inspiring that it will leave you in a daze afterwards. The beginning can be a bit draggy, especially with everything that's going on—and believe me a lot is going on. But do not let that discourage you. Go on and delve a bit deeper. You will get sucked in, I tell ya. And by the time you reach about 70%, make sure to have your heart prepared. The pain is just so unbearable, you'll find yourself massaging your chest at some point just to relieve some of what you're feeling. ~Renery, 4.5 stars


Gray Donovan once had a happy upbringing until major events affected her outlook in life. This in turn makes her become a compulsive liar; the answer and the defense mechanism she feels is the only way to get through her everyday of living.

After a random encounter with Dr. Daniel Harrison, something about him draws her to want/need him to take her as a patient. There is a connection there and she believes he is the answer to helping her.

“You have to promise me that you’re going to be honest…always.”

When Dr. Harrison agrees to become her therapist the draw to her is secretly reciprocated and the need to fight for nothing more than doctor-patient relationship is in order to help Grey with the demons that she has a hard time admitting and facing.

“You’ve never hugged a patient before? You’ve never comforted someone who was upset?” “Yes, of course, I have. But, this is different. We both know it is.”

This is the first book I have read by this author and it is one that I will not forget. Although there were parts that would drag a bit, the story of Gray and Daniel more than made up for it. Both of these characters had something holding them back in their life and as things slowly get revealed it will have your heart breaking and taking you on an emotional ride with the need for more. ~Cristina, 4 stars