A review by caligurlreads
The Boots My Mother Gave Me by Brooklyn James


Abso-friggin-lutely Amazing!

Okay! Let me start by being completely honest here. I picked this up months ago and I didn't read it right away. Now that I read it, I'm asking myself...what was I thinking?

This book was so powerful and so full of several emotions. I certainly did not expect it!

Brooklyn James deserves more than 5 stars for this beautifully written book. It's exquisite.

Harley and Miah's journey begins in a small town in Georgia, PA. She is a bit of a tomboy and they have been the bestest of friends since they were 4 years old. Throughout Harley's life, she has run from her family crap...abuse, alcoholism, and suicide. The struggles were tough. Jeremiah (Miah) has always been there for her.

All through this book, I cried, laughed and loved right along with Harley. Brooklyn James made you feel as though you really were wearing her mother's boots. It's truly an incredible journey about life and love...one that I will be recommending to many and venturing down again.