A review by aziz_reads
Becoming Moon by Craig A. Hart


I don't even know where to start with this book. I mean, it was good. This book was a well written, really great book to read. The characters were varied and even if a couple fell through the cracks, for the most part they were multi-dimensional characters. The plot was complex without being too complex to follow, and interesting enough to want to read in the course of one day (as opposed to some books that I will put down and scribble or make paper stars at work instead of reading it and then it takes me several days to finish it)

I mean, it was a really good book. Four stars, easy. The fifth always depends on whether I would spend money on it. And here is my problem. People are heralding this book as a literary masterpiece, like it's a modern day classic that should be taught and over analyzed in school. They may not say that, but it's pretty clear in the vocabulary they're using. They are not using the same vocabulary that they use for reviews on Harry Potter, or even The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. No, they are using the exclusive vocabulary reserved for The Scarlet Letter, or Mark Twain books.

I really don't feel like this was a masterpiece. That's a pretty heavy word to give something. It was very good, and I would certainly read it at the library or love it as a gift or even buy the kindle version. But I wouldn't spend more than $3.00 on this.

Overall: We're left at 4.5.

And also, I got this book for free from the author through a Goodreads Giveaway.