A review by yetanothersusan
The Reckoning by Yrsa Sigurðardóttir


Huldar and Frejya are brought together again after both being humiliated and demoted after the scandal in the first book in this series. Huldar seems to be taking it in stride but Frejya is upset. They are thrown together again when a child's note from a time capsule predicts several murders. It is an excuse for Huldar to contact Frejya but then the murders start happening. Once again, the awkwardness of their relationship provides a balance to the wickedness of the crimes. I guess in Iceland if you are going to bother to kill someone, you are going to be senselessly brutal about it. Ms. Siguroardottir obviously has long-term character development planned for Huldar and Frejya and hasn't been inclined to rush it like many authors. Instead, we almost get 2 books: the evolution of their characters and a crazy mystery. I really enjoy her writing! I was only left with one question: when will the rest of this series be translated? I need more!

A copy of this book was provided by NetGalley and St. Martin's Press in exchange for an honest review.