A review by booklovingredhead
Zero Hour by Lili St. Germain


Gypsy Brother Series by Lili St. Germain Review
Rating: 4 Stars
Quote I love: “Confucius said, ‘Before embarking upon a journey of revenge, dig two graves.’ I planned to dig seven.”

When I first started this series, I was transported into this world of revenge. Juliette Portland had her innocence stolen from her at the age of fifteen and they branded her skin in scars and planned for her to die. Which she did, or at least that is what they believe. She survived though and now at the age of 21 and with a completely different look, she is back for revenge. And her revenge is going to be deadly and bloody because she plans to take out the men that stole so much from her.

Juliette was such an amazing character, I really look up to her. She is strong and so resilient. She suffers so much and each time she suffers and they try to defeat her she comes back stronger than before. Juliette is one of those characters that will stay with me forever. She is the reason this book was so amazing.

Okay, let's talk about the revenge aspect. I could not wait for the revenge scenes because these so-called men needed to get what was coming to them. Some revenge scenes were epic and so planned out, like I seriously had to re-read them because they were that epic. Other revenge scenes kind of fell flat for me, they just didn’t make me feel anything. I just wasn't excited for them which is what I want to feel when I’m reading a romance book about revenge.

All and all this series was captivating and kept my interest so much. Lili St. Germain’s words are beautiful, she had me crying and holding my breath this entire series. Lili St. Germain definitely has my interest and I cannot wait to read more of her books. If more of her books have characters like Juliette and her handsome lover Jase then sign me up because I’m in love.

Please check trigger warnings before reading this series.