A review by shazov
Quinn's Need by SJD Peterson


It has been a while since I read the first one of this series. Actually nearly a year ago exactly. So I was a bit worried it might take me some time to get back into the story and get involved with the characters. I really shouldn't have worried at all!

Lorcan, Quinn, Jess and the others all had me within the first two chapters of the book. Like old friends, they welcomed me back and drew me in. They had me worried for them, grieving for them and being happy with them in no time at all. That is what I love about these books. I feel I know these guys. They own a piece of me. Live on with me. Exactly what I ask for when I read a good book. And this one has everything I want in spades. Engaging, interesting characters who come to llfe for me. A well-rounded story line where issues don't seem forced, unnatural or silly. Problems that don't just miraculously disappear or are solved without stress. That is what makes this such a fantastic series in my eyes.