A review by zen
Honeythorn by Marina Vivancos


Loved the first half of the book, loved the whole
Spoilerattempted murder by touch starvation
thing. I felt so much pain there and it was magnificent.

Sadly, that ended way too soon and the fun parts (the pain and the groveling lol) were traded for some wholesome content that was not on par with what came first. Actually I found it kinda boring. I kept reading hoping that we could reach a new peak with the hurt/comfort trope but the last part of the book is more akin to a fairy tale (which is not an issue if that's what you're looking for, but I personally wasn't).

Still, the idea at the core of the book and the world building were interesting. It's like low omegaverse for people who aren't necessarily into the strong, dystopian dynamics that are usually connected to A/B/O AUs