A review by ireadwhatuwrite
Infinity Claws by Andrew Mackay


2.5 Stars

This was almost a very good book.

The premise and the basic story actually are very good and well thought out. Unfortunately, while the subject matter is best suited to the fourteen and up crowd, it reads like an early grade chapter book especially during the cat trials and during much-needed descriptions of what was happening near Saturn. I also couldn’t tell if the social commentary was supposed to be humor, satire, or completely serious. However, I did feel like it wasn’t completely necessary. Interesting backstory ranging to the 21st century hinted at world-building that never quite reached the mark and was lost in the cold war aspects of the story, where the exposition was often jumbled and confusing. Are they allies? Why are they not?

Jelly along with Jamie and his mother are wonderful warm-blooded characters that immediately engendered emotional investment. Very few of any of the other major characters seemed worth my time and the bad guys read more like elementary schoolyard bullies than adult international spies.

Finally, the copy I ended up with could have used another edit as the book’s title “Infinity Claws” and a major plot point the “Infinity Clause” seemed to be used interchangeably at several points. That along with other minor spelling issues (typos), sadly, made reading this to the end a bit of chore. I couldn’t even finish the interview questions at the end because of them.

This series has so much potential this book just doesn’t live up to.