A review by jecinwv
Seven Days of You by Cecilia Vinesse


I've seen this book get a lot of criticism for being about white people in Japan. I didn't think that way. Having been an expat in Japan for a few years this story resonated with me. This is a tale of the kids of expats, so they are even less likely to fit into traditional Japanese norms. Also, keep in mind they are in Tokyo and not the countryside, that story would be very different.

That said this book was like reading nostalgia. Falling in love while leaving Japan is something I share in common with the main character. This is ultimately a story of female bonding and friendship more than it is a story about romance. The main character has to work out kinks with her best friend, her sister, and her crush's ex gf. The female love and resilience made this book special to me.

And the countdown watch was one of my favorite storytelling aspects/tools.