A review by kathydavie
Web of Lies by Jennifer Estep


Second in the urban fantasy Elemental Assassin series set in Ashland, Tennessee.

My Take
The one issue I have is Gin's inability to accept Donovan's morals. I understand her frustration as I want them to be together as well, but I do admire his resolve to deal with his unwanted attraction to Gin — I suspect that he'll be back…even when he does keep slipping up…or is that in? Why is she being so stubborn about this? I can understand where Estep didn't want to figure out a more subtle struggle between them, but it would have been better if she had. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to reading about Owen's assault.

More cooking from our little assassin: a chicken salad of celery, apples, raisins, lemon zest, and a sour cream-mayo dressing on sourdough bread. Yum.

The Story
Yup, Gin's been retired for several months now. And, oh man, is she bored! Nothing to do but work the restaurant by day and go to school at night. So when the opportunity arises for a bit more excitement, Gin's in. A dwarf mine owner is threatening old friends of Fletcher, the son of one of Mab Monroe's henchmen tried to rob the Pork Pit — and Gin's pressing charges, and there's a new entry in the get-into-Gin's-bed sweepstakes. Oh yeah, nothing boring here.

The Cover and Title
Liked the cover as well although, since Gin is in the mine, she should have been dressed for Mab's party…

Web of Lies as a title doesn't make any sense to me. Yeah, okay, Web could stand for Gin's nickname, Spider. It could refer to the web of connections throughout the city of Ashland. The Lies part, well, everyone in Ashland lies on a daily basis to survive but there are no real lies there because, deep down, everyone knows what everyone else really is. Well, okay, there is an exception. Extremely few people know that Gin is an assassin, a retired assassin running the Pork Pit, a barbecue restaurant she inherited from Fletcher Lane, her killer mentor.