A review by chriscole
Midwinter Mysteries: A Christmas Crime Anthology by Linda Stratmann, Gaynor Torrance, Sean Gibbons, David Field, Graham Brack, M.J. Logue, Marilyn Todd, Kim Fleet, J.C. Briggs, Keith Moray


I'll admit, Crime isn't a genre I particularly love or reach for and so Midwinter Mysteries was always going to have to be something special for me to really be swayed. Unfortunately, it was not.

This anthology of crime stories set around Christmas/Winter is so very hit and miss. Or rather, it's "ok" and miss. Some of the stories made for pretty fun reading (mostly those set in the Victorian era) but the other stories just fell really flat, both on the crime and Christmas front.

I will say that there were a couple of authors that piqued my interest and I'd be willing to look at more of their stuff but overall, I was left quite uminpressed.

Thanks to Sapere Books and NetGalley for providing a copy for review.