A review by kirstysbookshelf
The Witch's Tears by Katharine Corr, Elizabeth Corr


I received a copy via Net Galley.

This was a great sequel to The Witch's Kiss. I was a bit worried at the start as it took me awhile to get into but it soon picked up.

In this book, Merry's Gran is kidnapped and the majority of the book is spent trying to find her. The coven decides that Merry can't help so Merry does some investigative work by herself. We are introduced to some new characters in this book Finn who is a wizard and is trying to help his brother who is under some sort of spell. We also meet Ronan who Leo falls for.

One thing that I really liked in the first book was the relationship between Leo and Merry. I really enjoy reading about a good sibling relationship. In this book, their relationship was not the same as in the first book as they were constantly arguing which I didn't like.

The last part of the book was full of action and there was so much that happened. I had guessed who the bad guy was but I didn't know what was going to happen at the end. I can't believe the massive cliffhanger that this book is left on and I can't wait to read the last book I just wish I didn't have to wait a whole year.