A review by bookchellf
The Beauty, Volume 2 by Jason A. Hurley, Jeremy Haun


In this book we depart from the storyline in the first volume and instead follow two people who were infected by beauty and how it changed there lives. This was a little jarring because I was expecting a continuation of the first book but in the end I didn't mind.

The story centers around revenge. One story is about a young man who gets his revenge and then uses the disease to escape detection. The other story focuses on a young woman who has beauty to be close to the woman she sees herself as. During her journey something happens to her family and she goes out to get her revenge against those who harmed her.

The woman, Ez, goes through a transformation during the story which I found most interesting. I liked it more the the revenge plot that was honestly just pretty basic. I think if it wasn't for her transformation story I would not have been as interested.

Still it was an alright read and will continue with the series.