A review by parpacifica
Eighth Grave After Dark by Darynda Jones


I think I need to remind my myself that this series used to be about a girl who solved murders.

Next, I think I need chocolate.

No wait. I definitely need some chocolate.

This novel had many, many interesting aspects. Maybe too many. Not that I minded at first, I mean after being presented with Charley Davidson, the grim reaper extraordinaire, I have been dismissing things that would usually be big red flags for me.

But now, it's kind of very scattered, and annoying. Charley's mystery murders used to be the highlight of a CD novel. And of course Reyes, but more about that later. Whether she had been held at gun point, sliced in half or even burned alive, that shit was fucking epic, and left you to hanging on for more. Of course there was also the sub point about Reyes being the Son of Satan and Charley being A Uber Magical Being.

Now the formats have changed. We know more about the Charley-being-an-Uber-God storyline. But after having the mystery unravel slowly for the past 7 books, to have everything suddenly thrown at you (and I mean everything. Think of every single plot point, and it will have been pushed in this novel)...well.. it's a little overwhelming.

Not to mention, that after the whole Charley-Being-A-God, and Beep being an even More Uber God, plot line, the solving mysteries and murders sub -plot line just doesn't grasp my attention anymore. The plots aren't executed in the same cohesive manner as they once were. I want the main course! It's like giving me Belgian Chocolate, and then wanting to trade me for it with this vegan, gluten free, cocoa-free imposter.

You can't trick me into falling for that.

Also, do Charley and Reyes even like Beep???? Because Charley was so goddamn immature in this book, and I usually love her, and Reyes completely dismissed Beep's presence until the very end, where he made sure to refer to her usefulness in the dark prophecy.

Like hallo? Dis is yo' kid.

And then, the ending. Gosh, worse ending ever. It wasn't even a cliffhanger like Moning does them.

Just awful.

I don't even know if I want to read more.