A review by bookish_notes
Scorpio Hates Virgo by Anyta Sunday


I have been waiting for this book ever since I finished reading Leo Loves Aries and found out there was going to be a second book in this series. These stories are standalones, but the characters from the first book do show up in this book (but seriously, check out book one too!).

This is an endearing story of two boys who meet again after a tragedy. Percy and Cal have grown up in the same neighborhood, knowing all their neighbors, and everyone being all in each other's business. It just is. Everyone's friendly. But Percy and Cal have never gotten along with they were kids. Percy had always seen Cal has his neighborhood nemesis. Percy's been gone a few years, but has returned after his aunt passed away and left him her house. Percy says he's just back to clean the house up, put it back on the market, and then he'll be off again.
Times like these Percy wished he had glasses so he could continuously push them up with his middle finger.

I love the humor in this story. I wouldn't necessarily call this an enemies-to-lovers book, but more of a awkward friends-to-lovers story? The book is told from Percy's third-person POV. He's a sweetheart, and he's hurting badly in this book. His aunt practically raised him and now that she's gone, it's like he has no family left. His family kicked him out after finding out he's gay, and he's lived with his Aunt Abby ever since. But Cal, who's taking a leave from his schooling to help his mother out and take care of his younger siblings, always seems to be around when Percy needs someone to talk to. These two are so lovely together and this is a slow burn romance. Like, really slow, but it's worth every moment seeing their interactions with one another throughout the story.
Rain drizzled, and he [Percy] flicked his wipers on full speed.

Cal's eyes followed as they swished back and forth. "You tell those little drops who's boss."

This book takes place within the confines of the cul-de-sac neighborhood and this year, they're playing a game called Sherlock Gnomes where they each do something nice for a neighbor under the disguise of a pseudonym. There were moments in this where it was edging on being slightly creepy, before the truth is revealed as to who's who (and then everything makes sense and is not creepy at all). All the characters in this story have their quirks and are very charming people with their own bright personalities.

What I loved most of all about this book is that it's stated on-the-page that Cal identifies as demipansexual and we get confirmation that Theo from book one is bisexual (and that it wasn't a GFY story like I initially thought).

I absolutely adore Anyta Sunday's books and how each of them have heartbreaking moments, and still be a sweet and tender HEA. Scorpio Hates Virgo and fantastic story and I highly recommend this book!!

***Thanks to Judith at Binge On Books/A Novel Takes PR for the ARC as part of the release day blitz***