A review by valetparkering
The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep by H.G. Parry

Did not finish book. Stopped at 29%.
DNF at 30%

Very twee, and I'm already inclined to dislike stories about stories.

The writing on the line level was good, but there were repetitive parts. Rob would think something and then say it out loud. Every reference has to be explained every time it comes up. 

I like the set up to Rob's character arc, I just wish it was handled with a little more subtlety. Let the reader connect Rob's inferiority complex with his aversion to reading Dickens, his brother's specialty (sidenote I also hate how even Charley's name is a reference). 

I got about 150 pages in and I feel like I know a lot about the characters, but I think this also contributes to the repetitive feeling. Obviously I don't know how the rest of the book goes but it looks like it's setting up to front load the characterization to leave room for a more action-focused ending. And I just wish that had been a little more even.  There was plenty of action in the pages I read, to be clear.