A review by kba76
The Frog Prince by Jane Porter


There’s a sense that we know what we’re getting here, and Porter delivers everything we’re expecting.
Holly is 26, recently divorced and has moved to San Francisco where she’s not doing much. She wastes her weekends eating and watching rubbish tv. She pines for her fairytale ending and is well and truly stuck in the past. Her job is so-so...but, guess what, after a swift talking to, some disastrous dates, a few gym visits and a couple of ‘nice’ work scenarios Holly’s life is sorted.
If only life were so simple!
Holly was so fixated on what everyone else thought of her that she infuriated me. Her long-lost friend, Katie, was one of the few who made sense when she told her to stop being a doormat.
This reminds me of one of those freebie books you used to get on a magazine. There wasn’t anything new here, and it all felt too twee for comfort.