A review by bbckprpl
You've Got Dragons by Kathryn Cave


Reviewed Here for CBR 13 .

In short: yes, thank you. Understanding anxiety/dragons FTW.

Longer: You’ve Got Dragons broke it down piece by piece

illustration of a boy facing dragons, text at bottom reads you've got dragons
The Dragons
“Your heart thuds & Your knees shake & Your head whirls & You feel hot & Cold &

You can’t breathe & Your tummy hurts & You can’t believe It’s happening to you,

but it is. It really is. You’ve got dragons.”

“You ignore them & run away from them &

You hide from them & You pretend they’re not dragons &

You shout at them & You don’t want to turn out the light &

you pay attention to them & you tell them jokes &

you can’t think of anything else then suddenly….

… something feels different.”

This book never once mentions anxiety, but wow, these dragons: They show up everywhere! And man, are they hard to manage, especially at first! And then, once you talk to some people who know things about dragons and how to mange them, what do you know? They start to get easier for you to manage too!"