A review by heavenprotsman
The Girl in the Triangle by Joyana Peters


I loved this book so much, I was so sad when it ended!

I loved our main character Ruth. She’s determined, self-assured, and ready to fight for the cause. She was an independent woman in a time when that was not the norm.

Ruth’s family came to America from Russia, and Ruth began working at the Triangle factory to help support the family, and to bring her fiancé’s family to America. Ruth is exposed to the injustices and inhuman working conditions, and decides she wants to help stop it. She participates in union strikes and joins the Suffragette movement.

Though our evil factory owner ends up behind bars, local families experience great tragedy and loss. This was a great story about perseverance and fighting for what you believe to be right.

I’m so happy I had the opportunity to read an eArc, thank you Joyana!