A review by michellesantiago
Three Broken Promises by Monica Murphy


I was so excited for this book and in the end I was disappointed it. Basically, the story was this:

Jen: I'm leaving because I'm tired of Colin's charity.

Colin: I want Jen to stay.

Lather, rinse, repeat. I was bored and frustrated.

Full review to come.

Full review (originally posted on Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks book blog)
I really enjoyed One Week Girlfriend and Second Chance Boyfriend (they weren't the best NA I've read but they were super addicting and I gobbled both up one after the other). I was expecting that same addicting readability in Three Broken Promises.

Sadly, it was not so.

We met Colin and Jen, the two main characters of Three Broken Promises, in Second Chance Boyfriend and there were some big sparks between the two of them. It was hinted that they share a history that had to do with Jen's brother. I was dying to know more and when I learned that Colin and Jen were getting their own book, I was really excited.

As soon as I saw Three Broken Promises on Edelweiss I pounced and as soon as I got approved, I started reading. But I quickly grew frustrated and annoyed; I wanted to throw my Kindle against the wall. The story didn't go anywhere. The entire novel was basically the following:

Jen: I'm leaving because I'm tired of Colin's charity.

Colin: I want Jen to stay.

Make-out session.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Like in the previous books in the series, we have alternating first person point of view. I really like dual POVs in books and I looked forward to getting into the head of both characters. But Colin and Jen... ARGH!!... Jen made some really dumb decisions. I wanted to slap some sense into this girl--I'm surprised she's still alive because she really had no common sense. As for Colin, his reason for not telling Jen his true feelings for her was lame and weak. Really, all of their problems would have been quickly resolved if they just sat down and talked. Instead there was no communication and same issues just went around and around and nowhere.

I was bored after the first few chapters. I only reason whey I didn't DNF this book was sheer stubbornness for wanting to finish every book I start. And I might also have some tiny hope that Colin and Jen might finally sit down and talk and they'll redeem themselves in the last third of the book.

Nope. Didn't happen.

By the time they got around to finally talking, I was over it and stopped caring.

I don't know if I'm going to read the next full book in the series (which will focus on Fable's brother) after this one. However, I am not giving up on Monica Murphy just yet. I may not continue with this series but I am going to try her other series called the Billionaire Bachelors Club.

Skip Three Broken Promises.