A review by earthtotess
The Prison Healer by Lynette Noni


gonna be honest i would’ve liked this so much more without all of the cheap plot twists. i guessed the whole prince twist during the first trial because— duh lmao and i would’ve been fine with that! it tracks for a YA story; i think it was all foreshadowed well, if a little heavy-handedly, but then
the whole twist at the end kind of pulled me out of it & ruined the story for me. i don’t even necessarily mind kiva being the princess (even though i think there definitely needed to be more foreshadowing of it since we’re literally in her mind the whole time) but tilda being her mother truly comes out of nowhere & honestly just kind of put a bad taste in my mouth about the book overall. like ???? there was zero foreshadowing of it & looking back at her previous interactions with tilda & everyone else about tilda & the rebels & her own family just doesn’t ?? track ?? with her being the rebel princess & tilda being her mother?? also how are you, when we’re privy to all of your thoughts, going to talk about how unfairly you were treated by the royal family & how your father was wrongfully imprisoned because he was seen near a rebel but is actually innocent when y’all are literally the rebel forces & guilty of the crime LMAO ?? like that conflict just fully no longer makes sense. i just think there are so many plot holes that popped up because the author wanted to have one last huge shock in the last few pages, but it just doesn’t make sense since we’ve been in kiva’s head the whole time & privy to all of her thoughts.