A review by essiewakeman
The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher by Kate Summerscale


Interesting read. I don't normally go in for 'documentary' type books but the subject of it grabbed me when I saw this in the shop. And my penchant is currently to read books with "Mr" in the title, it seems, so that was the clincher. It's interesting to read about the beginnings of detective work in the 19th century, allthough I was baffled to read that some of the evidence, in this particular case, was just swept under the carpet because the investigating police officer was 'too embarrassed' to deal with it. It concerned a blood-stained nightdress; apparently ladies' undergarments were so embarrassing in those days that the mere mention was a horror to the menfolk.... the mind boggles! The story itself is quite disturbing - all the more so because it actually happened.