A review by noa_ashley_
Teddy by Emmy Sanders


"Teddy will show me exactly what he wants, and all I have to do is give it to him. It's a relief. " - Kipp

"Want to know a secret that's not really a secret? I like taking care of you." - Teddy

Kinda-kinky friends-with-benefits pseudo-marriage

I love how Alex (Tink) knows everyone's drama and that he is a really good friend to everyone, Alex helps everyone with their relationship and he even coupled some characters with each other, I'm glad he has his own grizzly bear (Rowan) and ginger bear (Finn) that gave him all the love he deserves!

“Teddy Bear, you’re always looking after others. You’re like a quiet sentinel, watching, checking in, making sure we’re all okay. You do that caretaker thing of yours, but you never let anyone look after you.” - Alex

Teddy and Kipp were drunk and got married and now they live together and are doing the whole "husbands with benefits" thing, they are always with each other, Teddy met Kipp's parents and brother. He stood up for Kipp but also let him do that for himself. They do all the things husbands do except for telling each other that they love each other because they weren't in love the moment they got married. But to be honest who wouldn't fall in love with someone like Kipp or Teddy! Their personalities fit together so well, they both have their past but they help each other heal those parts that still hurt.

"We did everything backwards." - Kipp

Teddy loves to take care of someone in a loving and protective way, he loves make people feel good but he also does it the right amount, they discuss everything together. Kipp never felt like Teddy was doing too much, he loves the feeling of someone taking care of him, they trust each other so much. And of course there are moments with Niko (Adonis) , Kipp's best friend, Kipp totally got adopted into Niko his family. They are so incredibly sweet and I'm glad that a lot of characters have Niko's family in their life.