A review by stadkison
The Ghost in You: A Reckless Book by Ed Brubaker


I hope this series lasts forever. What a clip Brubaker and Philips are on (quality AND speed?)

A side-adventure centered around Anna and a haunted house. While the Lamour mansion may not be ghost-ridden, Anna’s past is. It can be hard to see our parent’s failures, especially when they keep stepping into the same rake. Anna is a grown woman, but her mom is in an arrested twenties, and it can feel like Anna is the stodgy parent too concerned with her mom’s mistakes to let her be happy but fail.

Don’t worry, the dog ends up as fine as any of us ever do. Probably gets a happier ending than her owner, a horror host and scream queen. She’s haunted too, but we don’t get much. Hints of harassing fans and bosses fill her every word, as do cigarettes. You know what that means.

There’s something pure comics about the denouement here. I wish to read an entire comic that’s just that for entire issues and books. Jumping from moment to moment back and forth, trying to make meaning from sequential images. That’s all we can hope for, I guess.